Wild Pigeon in San Miguel de Allende

The San Miguel PEN Center | 15 February 2011

On February 15, 2011, the San Miguel PEN Center staged a reading of Wild Pigeon, by the jailed Uyghur writer Nurmuhemmet Yasin. The reading, in the Angela Peralta Theater of San Miguel de Allende, attracted an audience of about 65 people.

The director was Bill Pearlman, whose image is on the right in the group photos. Readers were, left to right, Clara Dunham, Henry Vermilion, Sharon Steeber, Chris Davis, Bill Pearlman and Lucina Kathmann,whose image appears in photo #6 but otherwise was taking the photos.

After the show there was a lively discussion of the freedom of expression situation in China and the world. A person from a group that does dramatic readings in Chautauqua, New York, USA, asked for the text of Wild Pigeon for her group. I asked her to inform me if and when they do a reading, so that I can forward this information. This was a very impressive PEN event.

If there is a way to get the information to the author, we would like him to know about it.Thanks to everyone who tried to help us with the publicity. The newspaper did a rather bad job of it; they put the map of China and the drawing of Yasin on the wrong page, where it could not help. Quite a few people were attracted anyway, for which we are grateful. Best, Lucina Kathmann. We also made a flyer advertizing the show.

I will get that today and send it separately. If I have missed someone to whom this information should have gone, please send this on.

Wild Pigeon in San Miguel de Allende
Wild Pigeon in San Miguel de Allende
Wild Pigeon in San Miguel de Allende
Wild Pigeon in San Miguel de Allende

International PEN Uyghur Center

Uyghur Pen

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