Mehbube Ablesh, Abdulghani Memetemin, imprisoned writers whose sentences expired
PEN International Women Writers’ Committee (PIWWC) | 12 December 2011
His Excellency Hu Jintao
President of the People’s Republic of China
State Council
Beijing 100032
P.R. China.
Chairman of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Regional People's Government
Nur Bekri
Xinjiang Weiwuer Zizhiqu Renmin Zhengfu
2 Zhongshanlu
Wulumuqishi 830041
Xinjiang Weiwuer Zizhiqu
People's Republic of China.
Re: Mehbube Ablesh and Abdulghani Memetemin
Your Excellencies,
The Women Writers Committee of PEN International, the largest worldwide organization of writers, is concerned about two of our writer colleagues who were jailed in China, Mehbube Ableshand Abdulghani Memetemin. In both cases their sentences have expired, yet we have not received information that they have been released from custody.
Mehbube Ablesh was sentenced to three years in 2008, and Abdulghani Memetemin was sentenced to nine years in 2002. Though the normal procedure would be for them to be released on expiry of their sentences, the fact that our researchers have not been able to verify this is a matter of concern to us. We ask for clarification on their present situations.
Lucina Kathmann
International Vice-president, PEN International