Prison sentences for three Tibetan writers
Reporters Without Borders / Reporters sans frontières News 04-01-2011
Three Tibetan writers, Kalsang Jinpa, Jangtse Donkho and Buddha, were given prison sentences of three to four years in prison by a court in Aba, in the eastern Tibetan plateau, on 30 December for articles they had written for the magazine Shar Dhung-Ri (Eastern Conch Hill). Arrested six months ago, they were convicted of inciting separatism.
Reporters Without Borders condemns the sentences and reiterates its appeal to the Chinese government to free them. The press freedom organization also condemns the failure to give them a fair trial.
According to Radio Free Asia, their trial began with a half-day hearing on 28 October at which they were not given competent interpreters. At the second and final hearing on 30 December, neither the defendants, their lawyers or their families were allowed to speak. Kalsang Jinpa was sentenced to three years in prison. Jangtse Donkho and Buddha got four years. They have 15 days to appeal.
There has been no let up in the crackdown on intellectuals that began in Tibet in 2008 and around 15 Tibetan writers and journalists are currently detained.
See also this moving interview with an exiled Tibetan writer, Gedun Tsering.

Detained cyber-dissident refused access to lawyer
Reporters Without Borders / Reporters sans frontières Published on 6 November 2008.
Reporters Without Borders calls for the immediate release of Liu Xianbin, a netizen who has been held in Suining detention centre in the southwestern province of Sichuan since June and who is being denied due process while his trial should occur soon. The fact that Liu is being refused access to his lawyers and other fundamental rights suggests that prosecutors intend to try him behind closed doors and impose a very harsh penalty.
One of Liu’s lawyers, Mo Shaoping, has not been able to see him since 28 June. The other, Ma Xiopeng, was last able to talk to him on 5 November. Neither has had any contact with him since then. His wife has not been allowed to see him since his arrest and none of her letters has been given to him.
Liu is charged with inciting subversion of state authority for writing about the 1989 massacre of protesters in Tiananmen Square and the imprisonment of fellow dissident Liu Xiaobo (this year’s Nobel peace laureate). He is one of the founders of China’s pro-democracy movement and is a signatory of the Charter 08 manifesto, which Liu Xiaobo helped to draft. He has been convicted on subversion charges twice in the past. The first time was in 1992, when he was sentenced to two and a half years in prison. The second time was in 1999, when he was given a 13-year sentence. He was freed in 2008 after his sentence had been reduced for “good conduct” (read the article).

Reporters Without Borders / Reporters sans frontières / 无国界记者 Published on 4 January 2011.
2010年12月30日,地处西藏东部的阿坝中级法院宣判三名已经被关押几个月的西藏作家尕让云巴 (Jangtse Donkho)、布达(Buddha)、格桑辛巴(Kalsang Jinpa)三至四年有期徒刑,罪名是“煽动分裂”。
实际上,三人获罪的真正原因是在杂志《Shar Dhung-Ri》(《夏东日》)上发表文章所致。 无国界记者对此宣判表示不满,再次要求中国政府释放他们,同时强烈谴责对三位作家的不公正诉讼。 根据自由亚洲电台(RFA)消息,三位作家在2010年10月28日开始的庭审期间没有权利辩护,他们的翻译不称职,而且三人的家属不得旁听。格桑辛巴被判三年徒刑,尕让云巴和布达被判四年徒刑。他们可以在十五天内上诉。
现有十五名西藏作家、记者身陷囹圄。中国当局从2008年发起、针对西藏知识分子的镇压潮仍没有消退。 请看西藏流亡作家根敦次仁(Gedun Tsering)令人心碎的见证: http://en.rsf.org/china-tibetan-writer-talks-about-04-01-2011,39208.html

Reporters Without Borders / Reporters sans frontières / 无国界记者 Published on 4 January 2011.
Vincent Brossel
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