Writers for Peace

The International PEN Writers for Peace Committee was founded in 1984 as a response to the difficulties posed to cultural collaboration during the Cold War years. Its key aim was to open doors to peaceful and intellectual cooperation, encouraging the sharing of ideas and writings, during a period when many other doors were closed. During its early years, the Committee's annual meetings in Bled gave space for a democratic dialogue between writers from both East and West and during the break-up of the former Yugoslavia, offered somewhere that writers from these countries could exchange views and tell their stories. The current chair is Edvard Kovac and is based at the Slovene PEN Centre.

      •   Slovene PEN Centre: http://www.penslovenia-zdruzenje

Uyghur PEN Center Writers for Peace Committee

The Writers for Peace Committee, in coordination with the parallel organ in the International PEN Center, other organizations for Human rights and other PEN Centers, supplies the relevant material to the annual international meeting.

Uyghur Pen

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