International campaign in support of independent North Korean media
Reporters Without Borders / Published on Monday 17 January 2011.
North Korea
The press freedom organization Reporters Without Borders is today launching an ad campaign in support of independent media that provide North Koreans with news and information. A campaign graphic with the image of a crumpled photo of Kim Jong-il is being carried by the Korean news portal http://kr.yahoo.com/. It will be visible for the next two weeks to millions of Korean Internet users.
Recent developments in the Korean peninsula have shown the urgency of making freely-reported news and information available to North Korea’s population.
Using a campaign ad denouncing Kim Jong-il’s media totalitarianism in Korean, Chinese, Japanese, English and French, Reporters Without Borders is appealing to public opinion, governments, media and international organizations to support these North Korean freedom media.
Reporters Without Borders helps to fund Radio Free Chosun, Open Radio North Korea and Radio Free North Korea which won the Reporters Without Borders - Fondation de France Prize in the “Media” category in 2008.

无国界记者: 无国界记者开展国际活动呼吁自由媒体
北韩: 无国界记者开展国际活动呼吁自由媒体
无国界记者在经济上支援 chosun自由电台, 北韩开放电台, 北韩自由电台
Vincent Brossel
Asia-Pacific Desk
Reporters Without Borders
Paris - France
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