Picture of Freedom of Expression In Turkey Today
PEN International WiPC | 19 April 2012 To All PEN Writers in Prison Committees Many of you who have worked on Turkish issues over the years will know of our colleague, Sanar Yurdatapan, head of the Istanbul-based Antenna freedom of expression project that has staged numerous events with PEN Centre participation over the years. The next event will be on 9 June and Sanar has requested that I send the following message to you all. Sanar is a) requesting your help in getting well known writers to support their colleagues in Turkey, and b) an invitation to attend the Gathering. See documents attached. (Picture_of_FoX_in _Turkey_Today.pdf) Many of you who have worked on Turkish issues over the years will know of our colleague, Sanar Yurdatapan, head of the Istanbul-based Antenna freedom of expression project that has staged numerous events with PEN Centre participation over the years. The next event will be on 9 June and Sanar has requested that I send the following message to you all. Sanar is a) requesting your help in getting well known writers to support their colleagues in Turkey, and b) an invitation to attend the Gathering. See documents attached. I do hope you are able to help with this excellent project. Contact Sanar directlysnryrdtpn@gmail.com
For Antenna weekly updates visit the website http://www.antenna-tr.org/sites.aspx?SiteID=36 With warm regards,
Sara Whyatt
Programme Director
For further information please contact Sara Whyatt at the Writers in Prison Committee of PEN International, Brownlow House, 50-51 High Holborn, London WC1V 6ER Tel: +44 (02) 20 7405 0338 Fax: +44 (0) 20 74050339 Email: sara.whyatt@pen-international.org