SINGAPORE: British author Alan Shadrake loses appeal
PEN International’s Writers in Prison Committee (WiPC) | 31 May 2011 RAN 53/10
PEN International’s Writers in Prison Committee (WiPC) renews its call for the charges against British author Alan Shadrake to be dropped after his six week prison sentence for contempt was upheld by the Court of Appeal on 27 May 2011. An additional two weeks has been added to his sentence in lieu of a heavy fine. Shadrake is expected to begin serving his sentence on 1 June 2011. PEN International considers Shadrake to be sentenced solely for the peaceful exercise of his right to free expression, and calls for his immediate and unconditional release in accordance with Article 19 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and on humanitarian grounds.
According to PEN’s information, Alan Shadrake was convicted by the high court in Singapore on 18 November 2010 for allegedly ‘scandalising the judiciary’ in his book Once a Jolly Hangman – Singapore Justice in the Dock.The book is a critique of the use of capital punishment in Singapore, alleging double standards and a lack of impartiality. He will also serve an additional two weeks’ imprisonment in lieu of a fineof 20,000 Singapore dollars (£10,000). According to his lawyer M Ravi, his client's jail term will most likely be reduced by a third for good behaviour.
Shadrake faces a further charge of defamation for the book, which carries a maximum sentence of two years in prison. His passport is being held by the police. Shadrake, aged seventy-six, was arrested on 18 July 2010 after arriving in Singapore to launch the book, and released on bail two days later pending trial. He is said to be in poor health, and is currently undergoing medical tests before beginning his sentence.
For further background on the case go to: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/27/british-author-singapore-loses-appeal/print
For Shadrake’s interview with The Guardian:http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/nov/07/alan-shadrake-singapore-death-penalty
Please send appeals:
-Protesting the prison sentence handed down to writer Alan Shadrake for his book Once a Jolly Hangman;
-Expressing serious concern for his health;
-Calling for his immediate and unconditional release in accordance with
Article 19 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
and on humanitarian grounds.
Appeals to:
Office of the Prime Minister
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong
Orchard Road
Singapore 238823
Fax: +63328983/+68356621
Email: lee_hsein_loong@pmo.gov.sg
**Please contact the PEN WiPC office in London if sending appeals after 30 June 2011**
For further information, please contact Cathy McCann at International PEN WiPC, Brownlow House, 50-51 High Holborn, London WC1V 6ER. Tel: +44(0) 2074050338, Fax: +44(0) 2074050339. Email: Cathy.McCann@internationalpen.org.uk
Cathy McCann
Researcher, Asia/Middle East
PEN International Writers in Prison Committee
Brownlow House
50-51 High Holborn
London WC1V 6ER.
Tel.+44 (0)20 7405 0338
Fax: +44 (0)20 7405 0339