Pen Protesta! Against Impunity, for Freedom of Expression in Mexico
PEN International | 1 February 2012
On 27 January 2012 PEN International published a letter in the Mexican paper El Universal and Canadian Le Devoir addressed to the writers and journalists of Mexico, who have been repeatedly and brutally prevented from practising their professions due to a culture of violence and impunity. The letter was signed by 170 of the world’s leading authors, including 16 Nobel Laureates. Add your name by signing this petition. Visit the PEN International website for more information: click here.
To the journalists and writers of Mexico:
We, the undersigned writers from around the world, stand with you and all Mexican citizens who are calling out for the killing, the impunity, the intimidation to stop.
These violations diminish us all and threaten the right of Mexican citizens to live lives both safe and free from censorship.
You have an absolute right to life and a guaranteed right to practice your profession free from fear.
We call on your government to apprehend and prosecute all who have silenced your colleagues and seek to silence you. This is its obligation – to respect and to protect citizens and their rights.
We honor your courage and demand this in the name of our common humanity.
A los periodistas y escritores de México:
Nos, escritores de todo el mindo, los respaldamos a ustedes y a todos los ciudadnos de México que claman por que las matanzas, la impunidad y la intimidación se detengan.
Estas violanciones nos disminuyen a todos, amenazan los derechos de los ciudadanos de México e impiden vivir una vida segura y libre de censura.
Ustedes tienen el derecho ebsoluto a la vida y el derecho a ejercer su profesión sin temor.
Respetar y proteger los derechos de todos los ciudadanos es una obligación del gobierno mexicano. Hacemos un llamado a este gobierno para que esclarexa los crímenes, persiga y encarcele a todos aquellos que han silenciado a sus colegas y que ahora intentan silenciarlos a ustedes.
Honramos su coraje y exigimos esto en nombre de una humanidad común.
About PEN International
PEN International celebrates literature and promotes freedom of expression. Founded in 1921, our global community of writers now spans more than 100 countries. Our campaigns, events, publications and programmes aim to connect writers and readers wherever they are in the world.
International PEN is a registered charity in England and Wales with registration number 1117088
Sobre PEN International
PEN International celebra la literatura y promueve libertad de expresión. Fundada en 1921, nuestra comunidad mundial de escritores ahora se expande a más de 100 países. Nuestras campañas, acontecimientos, publicaciones y programas apuntan a conectar escritores y lectores dondequiera que estén en el mundo.
International PEN es una institución benéfica registrada en Inglaterra y Gales con el número de registro 1117088
URL: www.pen-international.org
Expires: 22/02/2012