International PEN Uyghur Center: PEN Press Release (2)
- Brazil: two journalists shot dead. The Writers in Prison Committee (WiPC) of PEN International protests the recent murders of two Brazilian journalists, Paulo Roberto Cardoso Rodrigues and Mario Randolpho Marques Lopes...Read more»
- China: Dissident poet Zhu Yufu sentenced. The Writers in Prison Committee (WiPC) of PEN International condemns the seven-year prison sentence handed down to the writer Zhu Yufu on 10 February 2012 for his allegedly ‘subversive’...Read more»
- Saudi Arabia: Fears for writer Hamza Kashgari after extradition. PEN International’s Writers in Prison Committee fears for the safety of writer Hamza Kashgari, who has been extradited to Saudi Arabia to face blasphemy...Read more»
- Syria: Crackdown escalates; fears for safety. PEN International is appalled by the use of excessive force to suppress dissent in the ongoing crackdown on anti-government protests by the Syrian authorities. It is also alarmed...Read more»
- Iran: Translator and poet arrested. PEN International’s Writers in Prison Committee is seriously concerned about the arrest of literary translator and poet Mohammad Soleimani Nia,
who has been held without charge...Read more»
- Cameroon: Coup Charges against Writer Dropped; Still Faces Military Tribunal. The Writers in Prison Committee (WiPC) of PEN International is relieved by reports that the coup charges against the writer and political activist...Read more»
- China: Dissident writer sentenced to ten years for subversion. The Writers in Prison Committee (WiPC) of PEN International condemns the ten-year prison sentence handed down on 18 January 2012 to dissident writer Li Tie...Read more»
- Mexico: Pen Protesta! Against Impunity, for Freedom of Expression in Mexico. On 27 January 2012 PEN International published a letter in the Mexican paper El Universal and Canadian Le Devoir addressed to the writers and journalists...Read more»
- Egypt: Blogger Maikel Nabil Sanad released. The Writers in Prison Committee of PEN International welcomes the release of blogger and activist Maikal Nabil Sanad, on 24 January 2012, days after an amnesty was announced...Read more»
- Ethiopia: Two Journalists Given 14 Years in Prison; One Sentenced to
Death. The Writers in Prison Committee (WiPC) of PEN International is outraged at the draconian sentences handed down to Ethiopian journalists Reeyot...Read more»
- Appeal for a worldwide reading for Liu Xiaobo on March 20th 2012. On 20 March 2012, the international literature festival berlin (ilb) will organize a worldwide reading for the Chinese writer and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize Liu Xiaobo....Read more»
- Uzbekistan: Editor Muhammed Bekjanov to serve an additional five yearsin prison. PEN International is shocked by news that Uzbek editor, Muhammed Bekjanov, held since 1999 on charges widely believed to have been fabricated...Read more»
- The Writers in Prison Committee (WiPC) of PEN International condemns the imprisonment of the writer Zhu Yufu, who has been charged with ‘subversion’ for a poem posted online. The WiPC calls for his immediate and unconditional...Read more»
- The Writers in Prison Committee (WiPC) of PEN International protests the extended detention and ill-treatment of the writer and political activist Enoh Meyomesse by the Cameroonian Cameroonian authorities...Read more»
- PEN International is appalled to learn that the author Salman Rushdie
has once again been the subject of a death threat; we condemn this criminal attempt to silence an international exponent of free speech...Read more»
- The Writers in Prison Committee of PEN International welcomes the release of leading musician Win Maw and prominent blogger Nay Phone Latt, who are among 651 prisoners to be freed as part of a presidential amnesty...Read more»
- The Writers in Prison Committee (WiPC) of PEN International is dismayed at the conviction of another Chinese writer on subversion charges. Dissident writer Chen Xi was sentenced to ten years in prison on 26 December 2011...Read more»
- The Writers in Prison Committee (WiPC) of PEN International condemns the draconian punishment handed down to Swedish journalists Johann Persson and Martin Schibbye by an Ethiopian judge on 26 December 2011. The two...Read more»
- The Writers in Prison Committee (WiPC) of PEN International condemns the
imprisonment of the writer Chen Wei. An honorary member of the
Independent Chinese PEN Centre and winner of the Liu Xiaobo Courage to Write award...Read more»
- PEN International is deeply concerned that as this year closes, 30 writers are held in Turkish prisons, more than 70 others are on trial, and that there were 25 new arrests in recent days. This, alongside increasing surveillance...Read more»
- The Writers in Prison Committee (WiPC) of PEN International is alarmed at the killing of prominent journalist and newspaper founder Khadzhimurad Kamalov on 15 December 2011 in Dagestan. Kamalov, who had previously...Read more»
- PEN International’s Writers in Prison Committee protests the detention of blogger and activist Zainab Al-Khawaja, who was arrested on 15 December 2011 for her particpation in a peaceful protest. She is feared to be at risk...Read more»
- As many of you will be aware, on 15 November 2011 PEN International
marked the 30th Annual Day of the Imprisoned Writer, a day of action to
recognise and support writers who have resisted repression of the basic
right to freedom...Read more»
- The Women Writers Committee of PEN International, the largest worldwide
organization of writers, is concerned about two of our writer colleagues
who were jailed in China, Mehbube Ableshand Abdulghani Memetemin...Read more»
- A year ago today, on International Human Rights Day, our colleague Liu
Xiaobo, former president of the Independent Chinese PEN Centre (ICPC)
was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. One year on, he and over thirty...Read more»
- On Tuesday 6 December 2011, the Congressional-Executive Commission on
China held ahearing ahearing Washington
D.C. on ‘One Year After the Nobel Peace Prize Award to Liu Xiaobo:
Conditions for Political Prisoners...Read more»
- 10 December 2011 (International Human Rights Day) marks the first anniversary of the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to our colleague Liu Xiaobo, former president of the Independent Chinese PEN Centre (ICPC). One year on...Read more»
- As some of you will already know, the Mexican Chamber of Deputies
recently passed a constitutional amendment which, if made law, would
empower Mexican federal authorities to prosecute crimes against journalists and...Read more»
- PEN International’s Writers in Prison Committee (WiPC) welcomes the release of Internet writers Ahmed Mansoor and Nasser Bin Gheith on 28 November 2011 under a presidential pardon. They were freed a day after they had been...Read more»
- The Writers in Prison Committee (WiPC) of PEN International welcomes the
news that dissident journalist Dzhamshid Karimov was reportedly released
on 6 November 2011 following five years’ detention in a psychiatric
facility...Read more»
- Today, 29 November 2011, publisher and freedom of expression activist,
Ragip Zarakolu, and academic Büşra Ersanlı, entered their second month
of imprisonment for reasons that are a blatant breach of their right to
freedom of...Read more»
- PEN International is shocked to learn of the death of Rafiq Tagi, an Azeri writer and long standing critic of political Islam. The 61-year-old writer died after suffering multiple stab wounds in an attack in the Azeri capital on...Read more»
- Cape Town and London, November 23, 2011—South African PEN
and PEN International today expressed alarm over the passage of the Protection of...Read more»
- Writer and journalist Rafiq Tagi received multiple stab wounds in a violent attack carried out by two unidentified assailants as he was returning home from work in the Azeri capital Baku on 19 November 2011. Although the motive...Read more»
- Ruslan Akhtakhanov, a prominent Chechen poet, was shot dead in Moscow on 15 November 2011 in what the authorities have claimed appears to have been a contract killing. Akhtakhanov, who was known to be a vocal opponent...Read more»
- On 15th November 2011 PEN International, the worldwide association of writers, will mark the 30th Annual Day of the Imprisoned Writer; an international day of action intended to recognize and support writers who...Read more»
- 15th November is PEN International’s Day of the Imprisoned Writer. There are hundreds of writers worldwide who are imprisoned or harassed solely because of their work. We - the Uyghur PEN Centre - would like to add...Read more»
- The Writers in Prison Committee (WiPC) of PEN International is alarmed by the recent attack on the newspaper offices of El Buen Tono, the Mexican daily newspaper based in Cordoba, Veracruz state. The WiPC calls on the Mexican...Read more»
- The Writers in Prison Committee (WiPC) of PEN International is highly concerned over reports that writer, academic and translator Deniz Zarakolu was arrested on 7 October 2011 under anti-terror legislation. Although no...Read more»
- The sentence againstprominent writer, journalist and lawyer Nasrin
Sotoudeh has been reduced to six years on appeal.PEN International
protests her continued detention solely for the peaceful exercise of her
right to freedom... Read more»
- Urinboy Usmonov, journalist with the British Broadcasting Service’s
Central Asian Service, has been found guilty of spreading Islamic
propaganda through his reporting on the banned extremist group
Hizb-ut-Tahir. Despite the... Read more»
- Many of you will already have heard about PEN International’s upcoming Day of the Dead 2011 campaign on Mexico, which was presented at Congress in Belgrade last month. This campaign aims to focus public attention on the appalling... Read more»
- Two books by American authors are currently on trial in Turkey on obscenity charges which, if the law is applied strictly, could lead to imprisonment for their publishers and translators. PEN International, the global writers... Read more»
- Dear PEN WiPCs, Attached are the resolutions that were passed by the Assembly of Delegates at the PEN Congress held earlier this month in Belgrade. All have been sent to the respective governments where appropriate...Read more»
- The Writers in Prison Committee (WiPC) of PEN International welcomes the release under amnesty of writers Tran Duc Thach and Nguyen Van Tinh. PEN International continues to call for the immediate and unconditional release of all...Read more»
- The Writers in Prison Committee of PEN International (WiPC) protests the
arrest and detention of two more journalists under Ethiopia’s sweeping
antiterrorist legislation. Sileshi Hagos and Eskinder Negawere arrested on
9 and ...Read more»
- The Writers in Prison Committee of International PEN protests the
decade-long imprisonment of Eritrean-Swedish journalist and author Dawit
Isaac, who has been detained incommunicado without charge since 23
September...Read more»
- The Writers in Prison Committee of PEN International (WiPC) protests the
murder of Contralinea founder Ana María Marcela Yarce Viveros who, along
with freelance journalist Rocio González Trápaga, was found dead in in Mexico City... Read more»
- Yesterday, 24 August 2011, Russia investigators into the murder of journalist Anna Politkovskaya in October 2006, announced that they have arrested a former police officer on accusation of involvement in her killing, adding that... Read more»
- The Writers in Prison Committee of PEN International proteststhe
three-year sentence handed down to French-Vietnamese university teacher
and Internet writer Pham Minh Hoang on 10 August 2011 for his critical
online writings... Read more»